What would Horse World Expo be without horses? Demonstration horses are an important part of Horse World Expo, be they participants in Parade of Breeds, Stallion Avenue or any one of our numerous clinics or demonstrations. To ensure the safety of the demonstration horses, participants and the general public, only horses that have been approved in advance may be presented at Horse World Expo.
Parade of Breeds
Parade of Breeds is an educational presentation giving visitors a glimpse of many magnificent breeds. If you are a horse owner or breed organization and would like to participate in Parade of Breeds, requirements are as follows:
- Participants must be represented at a booth during Horse World Expo (click on the “Be a Vendor” menu to find out about obtaining a booth). Don’t miss Breed Row!
- Participants will complete appropriate forms and release (shown below)
- Presentations should be educational and presented in a professional manner. Parade of Breeds should not be used to promote any particular organization, company or individual horse.
- Horses should be presented in top condition, clean and presented in a quality manner. No rough handling of any horse will be tolerated.
- Rider apparel should represent what is typical for the breed presented. It should be safe, neat and clean and be appropriate for a public presentation in a family atmosphere.
- Horses should be well schooled and under the control of the rider at all times. Horses should be accustomed to large crowds in an indoor venue and must not kick or bite. There will be stallions on the grounds, please take this into consideration when bringing your horse.
- All paperwork should be complete and received in a timely manner.
- All participants should be familiar with the rules and regulations for participating in Horse World Expo as described in the paperwork listed below.
If you are not associated with an organization, but would still like to participate in Parade of Breeds, please contact us via email and we will be happy to direct you to the coordinator for your breed. Only breeds having a booth during Horse World Expo can be considered for Parade of Breeds.
If your organization has secured a booth at the Pennsylvania Horse World Expo and would like to participate in Parade of Breeds, please print the following forms, complete them and return them by the deadlines listed.
Stallion Avenue Demonstration
The Stallion Avenue presentation is one of the many exciting demonstrations held daily during Horse World Expo. One of the most popular events during Horse World Expo, mare owners and visitors alike have an opportunity to see their favorite stallions in action. Only those who have purchased a Stallion Avenue booth during Horse World Expo may participate in this demonstration. This is the stallion owner’s best opportunity to show their horse to the public. Anyone who has purchased a Stallion Avenue booth and have completed the forms below, may participate in the Stallion Avenue presentation. In addition to a Stallion, each participant may also bring one additional horse, many choose to bring offspring of their stallion to show the quality of their breeding program. Each stallion owner should print the following forms, complete them and return them by the deadlines listed.
For more information in obtaining a Stallion Avenue space, please click on the “Be a Vendor” menu to find out about obtaining a booth.
Ride with a Clinician

From time to time, opportunities are available to ride with, or have your problem horse worked by, one of our well-known clinicians. This is your opportunity to participate with an expert in the equine industry. To be considered for one of our clinics, please review our Schedule of Events. If you believe your horse will be right for any of our clinics or you would be interested in riding with one of our experts on your horse, please contact us via email and indicate which clinic you are interested in. We will then put you in contact with the appropriate person handling horses for that clinician. A fee may apply. Please note, you will need to wait until the current year Schedule has been posted before requesting to participate. The Schedule is usually posted about 45 days before our events. Priority to ride is given to riders who will already be attending the event with one of the many groups there for scheduled events due to stall availability limitations. Most clinicians provide or arrange their own horses, so availability to ride with a clinician is limited.
- Please note, as of 2/4/25, we do not anticipate needing any outside riders for clinicians! With over 300 riders at the event, those that will be there with a booth or through Trail Champions Challenge, we should be able to meet all of our clinicians’ demo rider needs. Should that change, a note will be posted here and on our Facebook page with any specific needs.
- Demo Horse Papers
Clinician Horses
If you are a Horse World Expo clinician and will be bringing horses to the expo or you have been approved to bring a horse for a particular clinician please print all of the following forms, complete them and return them by the deadlines listed.
Theatre Equus Performers

Theatre Equus, A Musical Equine Revue is a professionally scripted and choreographed musical tribute to the horse. Only professional acts are hired for Theatre Equus. To be considered, please forward audition videos to Equestrian Promotions, Inc, P.O. Box 924, Bel Air, MD 21014 or you may email them to Videos can not be returned. Be sure to include contact information and all costs to be paid as a part of your appearance in Theatre Equus. Should you be selected as a performer for Theatre Equus, we will contact you to arrange a contract.
Once you have been accepted as a Theatre Equus performer, please print and complete the following forms: