Adoptable Horses
Rescues & Trainers
90 Days to Stardom!
Equestrian Promotions, Inc. is pleased to announce the return of Rescued to Stardom, one of the most popular events at Horse World Expo. 501c3 horse rescues in and around the Mid-Atlantic region are invited to apply a slot for this challenge. We have begun accepting applications for the 2023 competition. The horse being submitted must be unbroke to saddle and bridle and at least 3 years of age (detailed rules in the link with the Application). They can be any breed of horse, pony or mule and can be trained during the competition in any riding discipline desired, they must be owned by a 501c3 non-profit horse rescue or sanctuary, and must be available for adoption at the start of the event. Adoptions are to be be handled under normal procedure for each rescue and handled exclusively by the rescue that owns the competing horse. Each horse, trainer and rescue will compete in a multilevel competition that starts on December 1st with the official announcement of the chosen competitors on November 29th.
Over the next few months, trainers selected by each rescue will work with their horse to take them from unbroke to riding. During the journey, each rescue will document their horse’s progress via social media, live feeds, open house clinics and other media outlets. Publicly sharing the journey of horses is important because folks will have a chance to vote for their favorite horse, rescue and trainer as part of the overall competition score. Each competitor will attend Horse World Expo in Harrisburg, PA and compete by presenting an in-hand freestyle on Friday Mar 3 and then the final competition, in the form of an under-saddle freestyle on Saturday Mar 4. Both of these on-site competitions will be held at the Farm Show Complex during Horse World Expo.
During the horse’s journey the rescues will share progress details with their followers while tagging the Rescued to Stardom page, where followers will be able to vote for their favorite horse. These journey posts will focus attention on the rescue, the horse and their trainers. At the end of the event the ultimate winner will be each rescued horse, as they will be a step closer to finding a new adoptive home. The rescues will be competing for cash and prizes as well.